This weekend we went to Adam's parents lake house in Lafollette, TN at Norris Lake. It was his mom's 50th birthday on Friday so we drove there after work and suprised her late Friday night! Blake (Adam's brother) and his wife Chandler who are from Cincinnati suprised her too and arrived not long before we got there. His sister Julie was going to be getting there from Richmond, VA where she dances at the Richmond Ballet so we were all excited about that too! Saturday we watched the NE game (We won!) and during that when Beth was in the shower Julie got there so she hid in the stairwell when Beth came downstairs and snuck out and suprised her which was really fun! :) Beth was so excited to see her! We had to leave for dinner at 5 for our 6.30 reservation so we all got all dressed up and ready and headed to Knoxville. We ate at a place called The Orangery. We arrived at 6.30 and weren't even given our menus till probably 7 or so. They intentionally give you a while to wind down and enjoy whatever you are drinking etc. It was a little odd but actually quite nice. We all got a first course (I got the veal ravioli and Adam got the Fois Gras) I didn't try his but mine was really yummy! For our entrees I got the Beef Wellington and Adam got the lamb. Again, I won in ordering :) We all tried each other's dishes and everything was really tasty! We all got dessert too and got a variety so we could try a little of everything. Well, Beth didn't order dessert which worked out well because they brought her out chocolate mousse with Happy Birthday written on the plate. We were there till almost 10, and it was a really wonderful evening! Sunday we went out on the boat for a while to see the pretty fall colors. The only set back at first was that the boat battery was dead so Adam had to pull the Tahoe up to jump the boat. Rufio (their dog) was really cute on the boat too! It was a really fun weekend and so nice that we could all be their together! Here are a few pics!