So, Adam and I babysat our friend Kevin's baby Jennahvieve on Tuesday night... there weren't really many adventures like my blog title would suggest, but it was pretty fun! Mostly because she is just sooo cute and seems like such a perfect little baby. She didn't fuss even once and we were there from 6:30 till around 11:30! Plus, she didn't ever poop in her diaper! :) Good girl! We changed her a couple times though just in case... Also, she was enthralled with Adam! (Girl's got good taste!) :) It was pretty funny! I was trying to feed her and she wouldn't stop staring at him so I made him move next to me on the couch so when she was looking at him she was still looking in my direction too so I could feed her! It definitely made me excited to have our own baby! I know Adam will be such a great dad and it'll be so fun to see him with our kids :) It also made me excited for our new niece or nephew! We'll find out in 4 days when Jen and Chad get their ultrasound! I'm guessing boy for some reason so we'll see!

that second picture is SO cute! :)...i've been babysitting a lot's so fun, and it's such an easy and convenient way for me to earn extra cash! I babysat last night from about 5:45 till 2am and they paid me $100! Any time that someone will pay me that much to make puzzles, build block castles, eat other people's food, and hang out on a comfortable couch doing school or watching a movie for 6 hours is okay by me!!
Fun to see your blog!! Glad you guys are doing well! Hope to see you this summer!?
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