Monday, January 12, 2009

We've both taken up smoking!

Adam and I decided it is about time we become smokers... we've gone this long in life without it but we knew we were missing out :) We had our maiden smoking experience on Saturday. Adam was planning on getting up at 5 to start the pork butt (hehe) and he told me Friday night when we were going to bad that it was my job to make sure he got up when his alarm goes off. Well, lo and behold I stirred awake at 5 as I noticed he was getting out of bed and I hadn't even heard his alarm go off! That's because it didn't go off! Like a kid excited for Christmas morning, he woke up at 4:58 just before his alarm went off cause he was so excited :) I know he was planning on putting it in and then going back to bed but he ended up staying up. I got up around 9:30 :) He added woodchips probably about every hour and sprayed a vinegar mixture on it every so often and at 5pm he took it out so it could rest for an hr. (it had had a very long day) :) Our guests (the fam) came over around 6 and by 6.15 we were eating pulled pork sandwiches with 2 homemade bbq sauces, potato salads, coleslaw, baked beans and several chip options. It was soooo good! I'd say we are both pretty addicted to smoking!

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